One side/Double sided Silicone Coated CCK (Solvent-Less)
One side/Double sided Silicone Coated CCK (Solvent-Less)
应用领域:复合材料用预浸料,高档医用胶带,高档面膜等 Applications: Prepreg, advance medical tapes, and PC cover etc.
规格:Specification: 1)定量:90g~150g Grammage: 90g~150g 2)幅宽:250mm~1350mm Breadth: 250mm~1350mm 3)离型力:5g/25cm~500g/25cm Release force: 5g/25cm~500g/25cm CCK离型纸是在全木浆原纸的表面涂一层特殊的陶土后在涂离型剂,生产而得的离型纸。CCK离型纸具有耐高温极好,质地致密,涂布均匀,有良好的内部抗张强度和平整性、耐卷曲性好;纸张挺度好、平滑度高、抗张强度好、耐高温、剥离强度稳定、环保绿色等特点,是一种绿色高档的离型纸 CCK release paper is clay coated Kraft with silicone coated. CCK paper provides a very consistent surface and good dimensional stability, good high temperature resistance, stable peel strength. The variations on clay coatings are very versatile, starting from one side coated paper with single clay layers to double side clay coated liners with multiple top coatings and high internal bond constructions. Available surface ranges from high gloss to matt finish. And the coated silicone varies from solvent to solvent-free.