应用领域:标签、胶带,医疗行业等 Applications: Home care labels, Logistics Labels, Electronics Labels, Tapes and etc.
规格:Specifications: 1)定量:30g~180g Grammage: 30g~180g 2)幅宽:250mm~1350mm Breadth: 250mm~1350mm 3)离型力:5g/25cm~350g/25cm Release Force: 5g/25cm~350g/25cm 格拉辛是工业纸的一种,原纸经涂布加工后制成格拉辛纸,主要有耐高温,防潮,防油等功能。其底纸质地致密、均匀,有很好的内部强度和透光度。是制作条形码标签、不干胶、胶带或有粘性工业品的常用材料。 Glassine is a kind of industrial paper. The base paper is coated and processed into Glassine paper. It has the functions of high temperature resistance, moisture-proof and oil-proof. Its base paper is compact and uniform, with good internal strength and transmittance. It is a common material for making bar code labels, adhesive tapes or sticky industrial products.